If your device should need a repair, our globally operating Service Team is available.
You can send your FOERSTER equipment to your local service partner or directly to our head office in Reutlingen for the repair. A precise description of the problem helps you and us to save time and cost. Please use the following contact form. We will provide you a cost estimate Your order in writing is always required.
Regular and skilled maintenance significantly increases the service life of your system. Observe the specified maintenance cycles and, if necessary plan a more comprehensive inspection of your system by us in good time. If required, we will also send a service technician to you directly.
Test systems which are relied on in production can cause a production stoppage if they break down. In order to support the availability of your system, we offer a Remote Service. This allows assistance and trouble shooting in case of software installation or configuration issues without deployment of a service technician.
Calibration means comparison with a known reference standard. This is defined by national standards. Our measuring equipment, probes and calibration standards are traceable to PTB (Physikalisch Technische Prüfanstalt, Braunschweig - Germany). Regular re-calibration is important in order to maintain the high quality of the measurement results.
The calibration service includes the checking of the device for correct functioning and performance within the specified parameters.
For your inquiry, please use the following contact form. We will provide you a price quotation. Your order in writing is always required. If your equipment needs repair, you will receive an additional cost estimate.
FOERSTER offers the following measuring services:
- Coercive Field Strength HCJ
- Saturation Magnetization σS
- Relative Permeability µr
- Hysteresis J(H)
With your inquiry please inform us about type and quantity of parts, measurement, measuring method and standards, allowed limits and other relevant criteria.
For your inquiry, please use the following contact form. We will provide you a price quotation. Your order in writing is always required.
FOERSTER offers training courses, which provide knowledge about the efficient use of FOERSTER measurement devices. The presented theoretical and device-specific information will be implemented in practical exercises.
Basic- and advanced-level courses are offered.
Training courses are held at FOERSTER head office as well as at the customer's premises if requested.
For your inquiry, please use the following contact form. We will provide you a price quotation. Your order in writing is always required.
For processing your inquiry we need some information from you: